Trip Policies

Signing Up for a Trip

Complete the two-page Reservation/Release Form for each trip you wish to join. Send these forms, with a deposit check for each person on the form, payable to The Sailing Club, Inc., to the person indicated on the form (either the Trip Leader or the Assistant Trip Leader). 

Regardless of whether you receive the reservation form at the Annual Meeting or by other means, Trip Leaders will accept reservation forms at any time on or after the Annual Meeting but will not process them for two weeks. On that date, all reservations received to that point will be recorded in a random draw. All reservations received after that date will be recorded in the order received. Membership in the Sailing Club does not guarantee you a spot on a trip.

New members are encouraged to try a weekend trip before signing up for any week-long (or longer) trips.

No reservation is accepted unless accompanied by a check in an amount equal to the deposit for each person named on the reservation form. 

A confirmation notice will be sent to you indicating your status on the trip. Your status will be one of the following:

  • Confirmed: You are a confirmed participant. When boat and crew assignments have been made, you will be sent a copy of the crew list. 

  • Wait-listed until additional crew and/or skippers sign up: There is still space on the trip, but additional crew and/or skippers are needed before further boat and crew assignments can be made. 

  • Wait-listed on a full trip: As of the day your reservation form was received, the trip was full. The Trip Leader will keep you advised of any changes in this status. Reservation checks will not be deposited until you are confirmed on the trip. 

If you know in advance that a trip is full and you want to be placed on the wait-list, you must still send in a reservation form and a deposit check.  

Typically, a boat will sail with no more than one empty space aboard. Vacancies will be filled from the trip wait-list. Deposit checks will be returned, usually after the trip has been completed, to anyone wait-listed who does not get on a trip.

Qualified skippers who want to reserve an entire boat must first contact the Trip Leader to confirm boat availability. A reservation form and a check covering all spaces on the boat must be sent to the Trip Leader.  

Cancelling from a Trip

For most trips, full refunds will be given for cancellations made 30 days or more (or as stated in the trip announcement) before the trip departure date. Cancellations after that date are not refundable if no replacement is found, regardless of reason, even medical. Otherwise a $25 fee will apply, regardless of reason or replacement.

If you cancel less than 30 days (or as stated in the write-up) before the trip departure date, and no replacement is available, you will also be required to pay any additional fees and charges that cannot be canceled prior to the trip, in addition to forfeiting all trip fees paid to date.

For trips that require more advanced planning, stricter refund policies may be implemented. Participants are always advised to read all trip documentation carefully.

NOTE: Individuals are not permitted to select a replacement unless the wait-list is empty.

Any refunds due will typically be held until after the trip has been completed unless the Treasurer and the Trip Leader both agree to an alternate arrangement.

Trip Pricing

The trip price includes charter fees for the boats and occasionally pre-determined miscellaneous trip-related expenses such as slip fees. Food, fuel, traveling expenses, and other incidentals are handled separately by each boat's crew, and are NOT included in the quoted trip price, except as described in the write-ups. 

The Club covers its members for the damages that may occur on the trip. Nonetheless, this does not relieve the skipper AND crew from equally sharing the responsibility for providing for a safe and enjoyable trip for all involved. 

The price for children is pro-rated based on sleeping accommodations. If a child shares a bunk with his/her parents or if two children share a single bunk, their cost is half the trip price. A child using one bunk all on his/her own must pay the full trip price. 

The Sailing Club, Inc. depends solely on the voluntary efforts of Trip Leaders, Assistant Trip Leaders and Club-qualified skippers to plan, organize and lead the various cruising activities the Club engages in. 

In recognition of the large amount of effort and responsibility these individuals undertake, the following trip price discounting applies: Trip Leaders and Skippers shall each receive a 50% discount; Assistant Trip Leaders shall receive a 25% discount; before any non-discounted expenses, such as moorings or transportation. No individual receives more than one discount. 

Final Payment

A payment schedule is located at the end of each trip announcement with final payment due dates indicated on both the trip reservation form and the confirmation notice. Late payments are subject to a $10 late charge.
New Reservations made after the final payment date must include FULL payment. Late charges do not apply in this situation. 

Travel Insurance

The Sailing Club recognizes that some trips represent a significant investment for its members. The Club also feels that this long-standing cancellation policy is more than fair to its members. However, it is possible for members to individually take out travel insurance for a particular trip. There are several publicly available policies that can provide coverage for medical expenses, trip cancellation/interruption, baggage damage, and more. Members should make their own decisions regarding insurance that would provide coverage appropriate to their needs, and that they feel best protects them in their individual situations. Two useful resources for comparing plans are Insure My Trip and Square Mouth. An inexpensive provider is World Nomads.

Boat and Crew Assignment

Several weeks prior to the trip, the Trip Leader meets with the designated skippers to assign boats and crew. Primary importance is given to ensuring that each boat has sufficient experience among the crew. Once experienced crewmembers have been assigned, the rest of the crewmembers are allocated. Safety is, has been, and always will be, our number one consideration. 

If you or anyone in your party has a medical or physical condition (i.e., allergies, restricted mobility, motion discomfort, non-swimmer, etc.) that might affect your safety or anyone else’s, you may want to advise your skipper, or a fellow crew member. This may be done privately and should be done before boarding the boat, if not prior to the pre-trip meeting. Some suggestions can then be offered to safeguard your comfort and well being. Please note that sailing conditions are dynamic, that your safety, and that of your crewmates, depends on your good physical health and agility. 

The boats we charter are all different in regard to model, size, age, overall layout, and interior accommodations. Furthermore, boats are randomly assigned. Crew assignments will be made with as much consideration given to personal preferences as possible, including smokers/non-smokers, and sleeping arrangements (i.e., couples/singles, distribution of males/females). 

Minors on Trips

Minor children may be accommodated on any trip. Children will only be assigned to a boat with the complete agreement of the skipper and the entire crew. Children's reservations will be taken in order of receipt and will maintain their priority as boats are filled. Children under the age of 12 are required to wear a life jacket at all times, except when below decks. Refer to Trip Pricing for specifics of the cost for minors.

The Pre-Trip Meeting

An informational meeting for all trip participants is held approximately two weeks prior to each trip. The Trip Leader will forward information and location for the meeting. At the pre-trip meeting, the Trip Leader will summarize the proposed trip itinerary and answer any questions you may have concerning the trip. Individual crews have the opportunity to meet their skipper and crewmates in order to plan meals, decide berth assignments, and organize travel arrangements. All crewmembers are encouraged to attend. 

Additional Trip Information

On the first night of each trip crews usually arrive at the marina, stow their gear, have dinner at a local restaurant, and sleep aboard the boats. The skippers and charter agent will conclude the boat checkout the following morning, if not completed the previous day. Then the crews will be thoroughly briefed on boat operations and safety. Finally, the trip is under way! 

The Trip Leaders plan an itinerary for the trip which, for weekend trips, typically includes anchoring out one night and the opportunity to explore and dine ashore another. Longer trips offer more opportunities for both. Breakfast and lunches are normally eaten aboard. Individual boats may opt to establish their own daytime cruising plans according to the desires of the skipper and crew; however, all boats are expected to meet at the designated evening anchorage. Hourly radio checks confirm each boat’s location and progress. 

All trips provide many opportunities to brush up on sailing skills, relax, and socialize. On some trips, there are possibilities for sightseeing ashore, possibly go for a swim when at anchor or at a marina pool. 

In general, all boats are equipped with stoves, ovens, ice box or refrigerator, a limited supply of hot and cold running water, showers and toilets, and basic kitchen utensils. Boats typically feature a galley area (kitchen), salon (living/dining room), heads (small bathrooms!) and forward and aft cabins. In addition to assigned food and beverage responsibilities, crewmembers should bring bedding and towels, unless provided by the charter company, and outdoor wear suited to the trip location and season. Always pack less, always casual and easy to wash clothing, and always pack in soft luggage. 

No two boats, even of the same model, are identical. However, in general, onboard accommodations are simple and efficient, sometimes described as “camping on the water.” It is also close quarter living at its best! The fresh breezes, blue waters, the thrill of adventure, and perhaps most importantly, the camaraderie of the group are the true incentives of our trips! 

Remember…we sail rain or shine, so be prepared!

One-boat Trips

The Sailing Club plans all trips to include two or more boats. However, should enrollment fill only one boat, the Trip Leader and Skipper can agree to sail with just one boat. They must request and receive approval from the Board.