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Zero Tolerance

A condition for participation on Club trips is the total understanding and compliance with the policy of Zero Tolerance by each individual on the trip. Federal law provides for the seizure and forfeiture of vessels carrying illegal drugs, even in trace amounts. Arrests of individuals aboard the seized vessel may also result. The Federal Government recognizes that the illegal drug problem must be attacked simultaneously on all fronts. The reduction of demand for drugs in the United States includes law enforcement at the user level. Zero tolerance is law enforcement at the user level. This policy means that in the course of regular patrols, boardings, and inspections, the Coast Guard will now seize and arrest when "personal use" quantities of illegal drugs are encountered. Any amount of illegal drugs on a U.S. vessel may lead to the seizure of that vessel and the arrest, where appropriate, of those in possession on board. The Coast Guard will strictly enforce the law during the normal course of its duties. Boardings and inspections will continue to be conducted, as in the past, as part of those duties. Every participant in every Club trip is required to read and acknowledge by their signature this Zero Tolerance Statement.